Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Team Triathlon

Today was the day I had been looking forward to. The teams triathlon and I was last to do my part for my team because I was the runner.

I arrived at school excited and ready to go. Silence broke when "splash", the swimmers dived in and Emma was leading the bunch.

She ran to tag Daisy and off Daisy went like a rocket ,spinning the pedals as fast as they would go!
At the end of her lap, Daisy arrived at the field and now it was my turn!

I ran off, my heart thumping and my throat burning. My arms were pumping so hard! Finally I crossed the finish line.

Overall the team triathlon was a fun day that everyone enjoyed, Especially Me!

By Molly.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Camp Hanmer

Only five days to go until we hit the road to Hanmer. Hopefully you have made a start packing and are checking the gear list to make sure you have all necessary items.
We are staying at:
Hanmer Springs Forest Camp
Jollies Pass Road
03 315 7202
021 066 7403- Judy
0274 391 144 - Paul

Camp Hanmer

Only 5 days to go until we hit the road to Camp Hanmer!
I hope you're started to get organised and checking the gear list as you pack.
On Monday we will assemble on the field at school. Parents providing transport please park you cars on the field. We plan to leave soon after 9.00am