Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Feedback - Fendalton Friends

I was really impressed with how Liam and Eric led their Fendalton Friends group today.

They spoke with confidence, they ensuring everyone's ideas were listened to. I heard words like 'respect' mentioned during the conversations, plus they involved the entire group. It was great how you showed the younger students that it is important for you to know everyone's name!

What superb Dream Makers you both are!

Here is a slideshow of photos from today showing you leading:

Friday, May 22, 2009

Sparkle - Rosie is a fabulous Communicator

I was a great presenter on FOS News live because I spoke in a loud and clear voice.
I enjoyed dressing up and everyone loved the ending which was very funny.

Sparkle - Liam is becoming a great actor

I am be coming a great actor because today I did an awesome job at the assembly
playing Albert Einstein. People said I acted well.

Sparkle - Claudia's fantastic rat art!

Claudia is good at art because she uses good colours.
She did not waste time chatting to her friends.
She looked at lots of magazines and it was hard work but she did her best.
At the end it looked GREAT!!!

Sparkle - Amy is a great communicator

I am proud of the job I did on FOS News. The assembly was a success and I spoke clearly and loudly.

Sparkle - Megan is becoming a great netball player

I play netball on Saturdays and Fridays.I play GD or GK. I would like to improve on jumping and leaning. I will do this by practising a lot more.


Molly is becoming a great artist.
I am proud of my surrealism artwork because I think I did the shading really well and used lots of different colors that made the picture stand out.By Molly

Sparkle HeeJun is Becoming a Great Netball Player

I am proud that I play netball on a Friday and a Saturday because this makes me get alot of fresh air. That helps me learn more strategies and skills.
This is a game that I wouldn't get bored of and is a easy game to learn. It is also a very good game to play at lunch time.
My main positions are C and WA
I like playing Center because you can run around alot and Im also good at it whereas Wing Attack is basically the same except you can't run around as much.

Sparkle, Sam B is improving on writing

I am proud of my writing because I use great describing words and making other boring words into good words using the thesaurus.

Sparkle Sammy is becoming a great Team Player

I am a Team player because I support others and I play fairly and I give my best effort for the team.

Sparkle - Jake is becoming a leader

I'm helping Ethan to use the camera. This shows that I am becoming a leader, which is a Dream Maker skill. I'm really proud of this. Something else I'm really proud of is my surreal art because I did it using pastel and didn't smudge it. I think if I had more time it would be even better.

Sparkle - Daisy Is Becoming A Great Netball Player

During FOS News I spoke clearly and with good volume. I was proud of this. Another thing I am proud of is that I am beginning to become a good netball player because I have been practicing with my skills and strategies of shooting and passing.

I am proud that I chose Netball as a
Saturday Sport and a Friday sport. My mum and I both enjoy going to netball games at Westpac Arena and I can't stop screaming at Tactix netball games. I wait all week for my Saturday netball game and my team are really suportive and they are great friends.

Netball gives me skills and strategies to keep working on and it is a really good sport for team work. My main positions are WD,WA,GA & GS. I love practicing with my friends at morning tea and lunchtime with my netball skills.

Sparkle, Grace is improving at netball

Grace is enjoying netball because she likes it and
and practices at home on her hoop she also
practices in school with friends.

Sparkle - CC is becoming a great netball player

I do netball on Saturday and Friday and it is really fun. I play center but I can play all positions. I also like watching the tactics and silver ferns play. Netball is my favourite sport. I am really proud of my netball skills.

Sparkle - Emma Is getting better at her art work

I am really proud of my surealism self portrait because the colours I used make the main picture stand out!

Sparkle, Sam H is a good team player and runner.

am a good team player because I encourage my friends and help them when something is wrong. I am also proud of my running.

sparkle- Alex Work's on his ict skill's

I am proud of my ICT skill's because I have learnt how to import photo's to the blog, I have learnt to make a i-movie for f.o.s news and now I can help lots more people.

Sparkle, Will is improving at art

I am improving at art because I am more focused and use my time wisely. I have also created some portrats like my surealist art and like the one above.

Sparkle - Angus is a great Team Player

I am a team player because I encourage others and use different stategies depending on the opposition. I help other people to complete their goal and do their best. I am really proud of my achievements in this area.

Sparkle - Rat art Nick

I am very happy about my rat art because I finished on time and got it up. I liked the collage part that I did. I am really proud of it.

Sparkle, Henry is improving at adding detail in his visual art.

I am very happy with my Rat Art because I did a excellent draft copy.
We had a teacher from 'Coca' art gallery teach us how to draw rats. I didn't waste time when I was collaging and was really focused. I am proud of this artwork.

Sparkle Sammy is becoming a great Team Player

I am good team player because I support others and I play fairly and try  hard in my sports.

Sparkle - Angela is getting better at art

I'm getting better at art because I have learnt a lot about surrealist portraits.
I've also learnt about blending and contrasting colors.
I'm very proud of my surrealist portrait because I have never done anything like this before.

Sparkle-Team player

I am a good team player because I encourage others to do well in there Sports. I try hard in all my sports that I do!! I also don't cheat in games that I play. I play fair In all games.

Sparkle - Sarah is a stunning artist

I am most proud of my art, especially the surrealism portrait because I have learnt new skills like blending and contrasting. In my portrait, I mostly liked the background because it stood out.

My teacher who taught me grabbed my interest into doing art too.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Dream maker

A Dream maker set goals and achevive them

They never give up

They keep on trying

Thats being a DREAM MAKER!!!

 Dream maker


 A  dream maker sets goals

A  dream maker gives everything a go

A dream maker achieves goals

A dream maker never gives up

That’s being a dream maker!


By Sammy

My Cool Art

Two days ago Paulette came in and helped us finish off our surrealism art. It was really fun to blend all of the different colours together. I really like the background of mine because it makes the main figure stand out. With my face I could have taken a little bit more time so there would be no white gaps but otherwise I like it.

Dream Maker

Being a dream maker is setting goals.
A dream maker plans for the future.
Being a dream maker is trying your best in everything you do.
A dream maker says....I can do this....
A dream maker works hard to make their dream come true.
That's being a dream maker.
By Molly

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Henry's Profile


3rd 9yrs tri
1st 9/10yrs non-championship cross country.

Sam H's Profile


  • Centrals for relay and 80m sprints
  • West Zone 9yr Cross Country Team 1st place
  • Fendalton Cross Country 9yr boys 1st place
  • Fendalton School Triathlon 9yr boys 4th

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Sarah's camp


The tree was like a twenty story building.
Well, thats what it looked like. This is the real story:
tree climbing.

On the 2nd of March Room 10 went to Hanmer Springs Forest
Camp. Group B did this:

We first met the instructor- Carl. He told us the safety rules and what equipment to wear. The helmet and the belt. I hated the helmet because there was the smell of sweat coming from it.

When I saw the climbing tree I was nervous. When it was my turn I had no time to think but climb. The parents and teachers where pulling the ropes that were attached to me.

This was challenging.
When I was halfway up I looked down. AARRGH!
The parents and my friends looked like ants!!
I was tired but kept on going. I DID IT!! I MADE IT UP TO THE TOP!!!

After we all climbed the trees we went back to our camp.
What a day!


Soap Carving

Yesterday Miles Koakoa came and did soap carving with Room 10. It was a lot of fun. I sort of mucked up in the middle, but Miles helped me fix it up. i am going to give it to my Mum for Mothers Day.

Amazing art

Paulette came in today we did our surrealism art work it was really fun I like Paulette she is fun and energetic and a great person we all listened to music while doing our art it was a fun but hungry task...

Cool Camp!!!!!!! by CC


Cool fun


Incredible mountain biking

Victory is ours

Interesting activities

Tree climbing

Intelligent orienteering

Energetic activities

Hot pools



Magnificent food

Excellent orienteering

Room check

By CC.

Gus's Profile


  • Fendalton Cross country 1st place
  • Centrals athletics relay team 1st place
  • Hagley A tee-ball team champions
  • Fendalton Cross country team 2nd

My Best Camp EVER!!

My Best Camp Ever!!!

We arrived at this great big sign saying 230 hours to the waterfall.
Oh my mistake 2 hours and 30 minutes!

We arrived at camp on the first day and set up our bunkrooms. I was a bit excited because we were going on a waterfall hike, which was in the forest. My activity group B were going with groups A and D.

We assembled on the grassed area and Mr Norton was giving instructions. All the children were wearing backpacks. I still felt a bit excited about doing the waterfall hike. We drove to where the walk started.

We walked in our activity groups. We saw lots of bees buzzing around black trees. Some parts where really hard but some were easy. I heard lots of birds twittering.

When we got to the waterfall we all smiled excitedly. I felt the icy cold water, It was freezing. I heard the water crashing on the rocks as it fell to the ground.

It was really exciting to see the water fall 40meters to the ground. I took off my shoes and put my feet in the water.

I was exhausted and tired but is was worth it.

By Emma Tierney


Curtains sweeping across the softly breathing stage.
Screaming microphones, booming speakers and crazy cameras.
Singing, dancing and rehearsing on centre stage.
People’s stomachs flipping while waiting backstage.
Burning heat coming from the burning spotlights.
Lights, camera, ACTION!
Here she is, it’s Ratsy!

Hanmer camp

Hot pools
No trouble
Mountain biking
Rivers and creeks

Perfect food

Harry's Profile

  • 2008
  • Hagley A T-ball Team Champion trophy holders (Term 1)
  • Zone 1000m 10yr boys 1st
  • Winter Sport B Soccer Team 3rd
  • Wellington Cross Country Team
  • 2009
  • 2nd place 10yr boys triathlon
  • Hagley A T Ball Team Champion Trophy holders (Term 1)
  • West zone Senior boys champion
  • 6th place centrals to make the Cantbury team


Hanmer Ultimate Menu...
Monday Menu:
Breakfast: Pancakes with Rasberrys, Icing, chocolate syrup and strawberry on top.

Morning Tea: Biscuits with strawberry icing, Buttered popcorn and 10 lollies of our choice.

Lunch: American hotdogs with any type of sauce, with french fries.

Afternoon Tea: Fruit of your own choice

Dinner: Nacho’s with mince and chilli beans , sourcream and grated cheese and any type of drink.

Dessert: Chocolate Mousse with some chocolate fish sticks next to it.

Supper: Any cookie or biscuit of your own choice.

Midnight Feast: Icecream with lollies of your choice in it.

Terrific tree climbing

My mission is to be able to do what ever a monkey can do.
I have 60 minutes to complete the task and get ready for the test.

It was the 2nd of March 2009, It was the second day of room 10’s Hanmer Camp. At around 8:00 am, Group B went tree climbing

First our instructor- Carl, explained how to put on a harness and choose a good size helmet. So I grabbed a harness and put it on.

Carl explained the rules about tree climbing.

1. Scratch your nose, Don’t pick it.
2. Yell “free chocolate” if you want to be checked.
3. Yell “bananas” when you have reached the top.
4. That there was a group of three that pulled in all the extra ropes.

Carl said “Girls stay at this tree and boys go to the other tree.

Finally it was my turn on the first tree. I got clipped in and yelled
“free chocolate!” once I was checked I started to climb the tree.
Then I got to the top said “Bananas!” to come down.

Once everyone had a go the boys and the girls swapped trees.

I was first on this tree, I got clipped in and got checked. Then I started to climb. I had no trouble climbing, until about half way through. I was in a bit of a problem but I used my brain and I put left leg up on the branch behind me to jump off. And before you know it I was at the top. Ready to come down.

I started to wait to have a go on the second hardest tree. But then I thought about doing the hardest one so I went for it!

I kept climbing and climbing, stopping every now and then for a rest. But at one point I couldn’t reach a single branch aProxy-Connection: keep-alive
Cache-Control: max-age=0

I was so close to the top.

I still came down, with a whole different experience in my body. I was more excited than ever! And the test was all about how much fun I could have!

By Angela

A thinker

Being a thinker is finding ideas.

A thinker helps people get work done.

A thinker finds strategies and piggy-backs off others ideas. 

A thinker says good idea and need some help?

A thinker listens to ideas.

Thats being a thinker. 

Monday, May 11, 2009


Last week we did soap carving with Miles kau kau.
It was really fun at first mine went a bit small but Miles
fixed it up. We had to put in paua to represent mum and dad.
It was really fun mine turned out pretty good.

Rat Collages

The Best Climb Ever By Alex

It was the 3rd of March and Room 7 and 10 from Fendalton School were on camp at Hanmer Forest Camp site. Group A, thats the group that I was in Alex McNicoll were about to go to meet our instructor and go to the tallest thing in the world. Mr Norton our sport teacher was talking about who our instructor was and what we would be doing.

“Group A”, Mr Norton said, “will be with Heather.”

Heather came to get us and took us to our doom.

Heather told us all the rules. She told us to put on a harness. I looked over and saw it. The tallest thing in the world!! It was the size of two sky scrapers and we had to climb it. The misty air up in the sky was big and strong. I probably couldn’t see up there let alone survive up there. Luckily there were smaller things that I could climb so I started with that.

I tried the first one it was scary still. I tried the second one IT WAS FREAKY.

It was time, time to climb the world. I started climbing. I was up to the misty air I could just see this is going to be my death. I could see the top just. I stabbed my sharp claws into the hard surface. Oh no I fell I was falling really slow I must be gliding down.

It turns out that I was being slowly let down. So this wasn’t going to be my death.

by Alex

Teams Triathlon by Henry

Teams Triathlon

I am freezing cold, with goose bumps and hairs standing on end.

I was at the School swimming pool for the team’s triathlon on the 25th of February 2009.

From the time I came to school, to the time we raced, I was as nervous as nervous as could be.

It was a long wait till it was my teams heat.


Splash we all dived and we were off to a flying start. My

heart was pounded and I believed in myself that my team could win. One of the adults teams was well ahead, I didn’t want to get beaten so I pushed harder and persevered in myself.

There was 5 meters left in the pool. I got out and ran to find Alex. He yelled and yelled, I found him and tagged him.

We triumphantly won the year 5/6 boys.

jakes key comp

A Communicator

A Communicator sends nice text messges to people.
A Communicator says nice things to people.
A Communicator gives nice ideas.
A Communicator keeps in touch with people.
A Communicator helps people.
Thats being a Communicator.

Best camp ever

My Best Camp Ever!!!


We arrived at this great big sign saying 230 hours to the waterfall.

Oh my mistake 2 hours and 30 minutes!


We arrived at camp on the first day and set up our bunkrooms. I was a bit excited because we were going on a waterfall hike, which was in the forest. My activity group B were going with groups A and D.


We assembled on the grassed area and Mr Norton was giving instructions. All the children were wearing backpacks. I still felt a bit excited about doing the waterfall hike. We drove to where the walk started.


We walked in our activity groups. We saw lots of bees buzzing around black trees. Some parts where really hard but some were easy. I heard lots of birds twittering.


When we got to the waterfall we all smiled excitedly. I felt the icy cold water, It was freezing. I heard the water crashing on the rocks as it fell to the ground.


It was really exciting to see the water fall 40meters to the ground. I took off my shoes and put my feet in the water.


I was exhausted and tired but is was worth it.


By Emma Tierney



Teams Triathlon By Alex

It was the day minutes until the triathlon Liam hasn’t arrived yet and he was doing the running. Then I remembered that he had tutoring. I discussed it with Tom the cyclist. We came to a agreement. It was that I had to do the running instead.

Mr Norton started to talk he called out numbers then he called out ours. I went to line up for the swim. I was feeling very nerves. The juniors went and then it was time for me. The horn went. I dived into the pool I started to do freestyle. I finished the swim I got out of the pool ran to Tom. I tagged him. He went off speeding.

I went back into the changing room. I got changed as fast as I could. I ran to the biking change over. I had spectacular luck. I got there just in time for him to tag me. I ran off. I could hear the screams from the finished line until the end of the village.

I ran through the native area and onto the road. When I got to the field I saw Jake. I caught him up. I ran the field with him. I was up to the sprint. Jake sprinted off. We raced each other. Unfortunately he bet me by two seconds. That’s how close it was. Jake didn’t boast about it luckily.

Soap carving

Today our class was doing soap carving.
Miles Kaukau was teaching us.
we each got some soap and Mr Kaukau instructed us step by step.
I liked when we carved out the koru
It was great!!!

tremendous tree climbing


I was terrified as I was about to climb a humongous skyscraper.

Maybe this would be the last day I stand!

It was the second day at activity Hanmer on the 3rd of March and Group A was tree climbing.

My friend Sam and I started on the skyscraper A.K.A the biggest tree. Sam was climbing first so I could release my nerves.

When Sam came down we unclipped him and clipped me up.

I started to climb the ladder. I was feeling nervous as I was about to climb a huge height.

When I was off the ladder I gripped the first peg and started to climb. I gripped peg by peg, branch by branch.

When I was at the top I looked down and everyone looked as small as ants yelling at me to go on and then I smelt the afternoon tea  waiting for me. It smelt as good as chocolate pudding.

After that I climbed down and went over to the next exciting tree climbing challenge. Before I climbed I had to be a back up belay. A back up belay is a person who takes all the lose rope and puts it in a basket.

After that it was my turn to climb. Like the first time I made it to the top and back down again.

Then I was on to my last tree same again up and down. Next my mum bought us some afternoon tea which we gobbled quickly.

Now we where doing the main event, it was called Lego Land. It was a game where you had to stack blocks. We did boys vs girls The girls won.

So I guess this won’t be the last day I stand or will it!

Will Methven


        teams triathlon 

It’s the day of the triathlon I’m getting changed the bell rings ding ding ding. My team and me. rush down to the poll. We put are stuff down and get are numbers on are left arm. I go into the pool area and sit down. I wait and wait and wait the people before me go now it’s my turn. Then Mrs ray says 10 wait so I wait do some star jumps to keep warm. Then I’m up 10 second’s 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 GO!! Splash! The water was freezing the second I got in I got brain freeze. I’m coming second place. I get out and tag Gus. Then off he goes on his bike.



I watch my mum on her swim and rush over to the field and suddenly I see Gus trying fixing his bike. He just got in 3rd place he tags Harry

Of Harry goes on his run me and Gus wait harry comes round the conner and goes for the final sprint it was all over and we came 4th. We  were disappointed but there’s always the weet-bix



Team Player


Being a TEAM PLAYER has good sportsmanship.
A TEAM PLAYER helps others.
Being a TEAM PLAYER means speaking honestly.
A TEAM PLAYER says...’Its all right...’
TEAM PLAYER says...’You can do it...’
A TEAM PLAYER is fair.

Thats being a TEAM PLAYER
by HeeJun

The Flaming Angels By Megan

Your mission is to get all the markers before the whole world blows up!Ok maybe the whole world wont blowup but you will run out of time!!

It was the 3 of March 2009 at camp well Hanmer camp.We where allready to go.

List of things you need on this mission:Wathc,Compass and a group.

“We are all ready to go!!”said Daisy. “GOOOOOOw!!!”Shouted Heather.

Heather is our instructor.She is ? years old and has

been at Hanmer camp for a long time.

Every body went a different way but Nick,Jacob and Alex. “Hay people are behind us!!”Shouted CC

“OK we have 200 points and we only have half an hour to go,ok get moving”said Grace.we need to find no.11 worth 50p.We went down this little path,it was like a bear was going to jump out and eat you but it didn’t happen thankfully!!

We got to number 28.It said that it was just of the track at the corner.It felt like we had spent 20 million hours on this number but it was only like 20 minutes.CC went around the corner.

“I FOUND IT I FOUND IT!!!!!!”Shouted CC.


“We only have 10 minutes to go hurry!”I shouted

We sprinted to home base .Grace and Daisy went to no.38 because it was just around the corner.CC started to sprent down to no.1.Heather shouted that we needed to stick together so I went after CC but she was to fast.When she found it she sprint back and we where the first team back.Ok maybe the world wont blow up!!!



Naturally Fun
Room Rules
Obiously fun
Obiously awesome

Wahoo water fall

Wahoo waterfall It was the 2ND of March 2009 and it was life or death. Room 10 & 7’s first activity was the waterfall walk. Every one was excited until they saw the sign saying 2 and half hours from this point. TREES WERE COVERED WITH KILLER BEES. I nearly wet myself looking at them. Everyone ready yelled Mr Norton, Then everyone got their bags and ofF we went. Every one couldn’t picture what it was going to be like. This has only been 15 mins so far what everyone said. It was dangerous I was low on water. 20 minutes later we heard something, it was the waterfall it was tall as I was so hot. After a good look around we headed back. Harry and I and a few others spit up. We started having to wait for Rosie and some adults but they took too long so we got up and kept walking. Finally we finished and so did the others. Now I can say I have walked to an awesome waterfall
By Gus Silvester